6:14 pm, October 14, 2014
This new patch has completely rekindled my love for dota. You get to actually play instead of mindlessly pushing into each other. It's been fantastic and im looking forward to many late games [..]
6:14 pm, September 26, 2014
A new update has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch. Patch Information Rekindling Soul Update: http://www.dota2.com/rekindlingsoul/ Additional Bug [..]
6:14 pm, September 25, 2014
submitted by wykrhm [link] [98 comments]
6:14 am, September 25, 2014
submitted by wykrhm [link] [70 comments]
6:14 pm, September 24, 2014
submitted by wykrhm [link] [4137 comments]
6:14 pm, September 24, 2014
A new patch has been dispatched for the test client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch. Rekindling Soul Update: http://www.dota2.com/rekindlingsoul/ New Treasure Chest Treasure of [..]
6:14 pm, September 24, 2014
Hi, I feel there's a lot to discuss about each 6.82 big change, I'll just leave this here and put my thoughts about it too. The update Change Removed from Captain's Mode Agil [..]
6:14 pm, September 23, 2014
I have been Googling, trying to unravel the new blog post title's mystery. Think I may have cracked it. Read on. Transmigration - a poem on reincarnation My spirit wrestles in anguish With fa [..]